Thursday, February 20, 2014

Google tried to stop Facebook-WhatsApp deal?

Google tried to stop Facebook-WhatsApp deal?

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Zee Media Bureau

New Delhi: Much talk is on about the USD 19 billion deal that Facebook signed with WhatsApp to buy the message service provider. However, it appears that another tech giant, Google, tried getting in the way of the deal.

According to reports, Google tried a USD 10 billion deal with the messaging app while others report it was more than USD 19 billion that Facebook paid for the deal.

However, WhatsApp is said to have turned down the deal as it felt that Google was just trying to get in the way of Facebook. Besides, Larry Page’s Google did not offer a seat in the board of directors to the owners of WhatsApp as Mark Zuckerberg did.

Larry Page’s loss is Mark Zuckerberg’s gain.

Moreover, other reports claimed that Google tried to pay money to WhatsApp for information if it was entering into acquisition with other companies.

On Wednesday, in Facebook’s biggest deal so far, it signed a deal worth USD 19 billion with the messaging app which included USD 4 billion in cash, USD 12 billion of Facebook shares and USD 3 billion in restricted stock units to be granted to WhatsApp’s founders and employees that will vest over four years following the closing of the deal.

Under the agreement, WhatsApp co-founder and CEO Jan Koum will join Facebook Board of Directors. Facebook said the acquisition will not impact the WhatsApp’s brand, which will be maintained and the company’s headquarters will remain in California’s Mountain View.

With Agency Inputs

First Published: Friday, February 21, 2014, 10:55

Zee News : Business

Google tried to stop Facebook-WhatsApp deal?

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