Thursday, May 1, 2014

These 21 People Failed So Hard At Cooking They Should Be Banned From The Kitchen. OMG.

It’d be impossible for everyone to be a gourmet chef. Some people specialize in microwaved meals while others are awesome at boiling water and adding noodles. These 21 people, however, are so terrible at cooking they shouldn’t be legally allowed in the kitchen. Just boiling water would be an issue for them.

Their cooking fails are so epic and so terrible, they nearly defy the laws of physics. How did any of this happen?

(H/T Complex)

When these people cook, this is what happens.

So take pity on those who are cuisine-challenged. It’s not their fault. It’s not a choice. They were born this way… so buy them a box of Pop Tarts and share this article.


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These 21 People Failed So Hard At Cooking They Should Be Banned From The Kitchen. OMG.

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