From hidden images to morse code these are 25 hidden messages in famous logos.
United States Cyber Command
If you run the 32 letters and numbers located inside the gold ring through an md5 cryptographic hash you will come across the group’s mission statement.
The incomplete nature of the Wikipedia globe signifies the incomplete nature of Wikipedia itself as it is always expanding and evolving.
Facebook Places
Originally meant to mirror the functionality of Foursquare, you’ll notice that Facebook’s first places logo had their location marker laid directly on a grid with a visible 4 on it.
The most widely read Apple blog on the internet, their logo makes sense. If you look closer though, you’ll notice that the right side of the apple consists of a question mark.
The “E” turned on its side represents founder Michael Dell’s desire to “turn the world on its ear”. There has also been some speculation that it portrays a floppy disk.
The vertical lines are meant to represent both San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge as well as a digital signal. In fact, the name Cisco is itself derived from “San Francisco”.
Sun Microsystems
The old logo, before the company was acquired by Oracle, consisted of a square in which the word “sun” could be read from any direction.
The first two letters, V and A, are arranged to represent a basic analogue signal. The I and O on the other hand are meant to look like a 1 and a 0, representing digital binary code.
One of the most famous logos ever, it is a peacock with six bright feathers, each one representing one of the company’s six divisions at the time. In the negative space you’ll notice the peacock looking to the right which signifies that the company is looking ahead.
Northwest Airlines
Another classic corporate logo, the N part is obvious. The more observant among you may have noticed that the N along with the triangle form a “W”. But did you realize that the triangle and the N also form a compass pointing north west?
The logo of this data crunching company actually represents the numbers 80 and 20 in binary.
The colorful portion of Google’s Picasa logo represents a camera shutter while the negative space is a house. Casa means “house” in Spanish and Pi can be short for “pixel index”. If you put them together you have a house for your pictures.
Microsoft XNA
This collection of tools used by video game developers has a clever logo. The orange portion of the “X” actually represents the letters “XNA” in morse code.
Nintendo GameCube
The purple part of the cube doubles as a “G” while the negative space makes a “C”. The cube itself is also wrapping around another cube.
Meant to be inviting, the L and G within the logo make up a smiling face. Some have also said that it is a not so subtle shout out to Pac Man.
The yellow line in this logo is more than just a smiley face. Notice that the arrow starts at “a” and goes to “z” showing that Amazon has everything you’ll ever need
Considered a classic, this logo has a hidden arrow between the “E” and the “x”.
London Symphony Orchestra
Although the LSO spelled out in script form is fairly obvious, you might not notice that the L is actually the conductor’s right hand while the O is his left.
The name of this operating system is derived from the South African philosophy of human kindness. This is why the logo has three people holding hands and looking towards the sky.
Le Tour De France
Although the first thing you’ll probably notice is the groovy font, you might overlook the fact that the “o”, “u”, and “r”, along with the yellow circle are meant to be a bicycle rider.
This IT firm’s logo consists of a number of characters often used in programming.
Hope for Africa Children Initiative
Aiming to promote safety and welfare among Africa’s children, this is another logo that makes good use of negative space.
The logo shows blue wires wrapping around the globe which signifies the company’s global reach.
Pittsburgh Zoo
Another popular logo, this one is famous for its use of negative space. It features a gorilla and a snow leopard staring at each other.
Based out of Bern, Switzerland, it just so happens that this chocolate company is headquartered in the city of bears. You may not have noticed that the logo features a bear climbing a mountain.
25 Hidden Messages In Famous Logos
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