It’s not often that you find a completed DIY project that’ll leave you drooling, but this might be the exception. One man had some empty space up in his attic, so he decided to fix it up into the man cave of his dreams. Instead of just making it into storage space or a normal room, he decided to put a twist on the room revamp.
He converted into a boat’s cabin. As crazy as it sounds, it actually turned out awesome.
This is the attic’s original entrance.
And this is what it used to look like.
He modified the angle of the roof with some beams.
Don’t try this at home yourself, manipulating pre-engineered structural beams like this could be very dangerous.
This is a touchy process, as he was changing the angle of the inside of the attic without compromising the structural integrity of the beams.
Then, he needed to find a way to create a new entrance into the attic.
The existing opening is in the middle of the hall, which wouldn’t work out. So he chipped away at a wall that was adjacent to stairs that led down into the garage.
He used this opening as the new entrance up into the attic.
Added a very fitting door with a nautical window.
The door (which didn’t lead to anything at first).
He planned on adding a roof window that would hopefully result in some extra light.
More importantly, there would need to be stairs into the cool new attic.
Soldered and painted black.
Installed and ready to go!
He enclosed the stairs in a small capsule.
What it looked like from the outside.
The new attic was covered with wood paneling.
With the new roof window.
Looking good, even without the full coat of paint.
What the stairs look like from above.
The view from the attic window.
Building some furniture with two very helpful assistants.
More painting, plus some carpeting.
The wood of the stairs was a dark exotic grain.
He switched out the door for a sliding one to save space.
Then, he added a railing as a safety precaution.
Time to decorate! A television, sound system and some cool wall hangings were all necessary.
Plus, a fouton, weight bench, and some lounge space.
To stabilize the temperature, lots of insulation was added.
Plus, a heating/cooling unit.
Just one of the many awesome models set up in this man cave.
Most other attic rooms just pale in comparison to this awesomeness. This is one space that is completely unique and basically a treehouse for adults (which is why it’s so great). It’s hard not to feel at least a little jealous.
Source: Reddit
This guy’s handiwork is pretty epic, share it with others.
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